Freight flows via the ports of Ukraine in January-May increased by 2% from the same period in 2009, while exports grew by 7.4%, imports – by 143%, the Ministry of Transport of Ukraine
Ukraine’s credit grade was raised at Fitch Ratings after the country reached an agreement with the International Monetary Fund’s mission on a $14.9 billion
The mission has reached a staff-level agreement with the authorities of Ukraine on an economic policy program that can be supported by a 2,5 year Stand-By Arrangement
Ukraine's GDP growth in January-May 2010 grew by 6.1% year-over-year,
the press service of the presidential administration has reported after a meeting of the head
The newly elected Ukrainian authorities have announced their intention of attracting investment into the country. To encourage investors they plan to make the economy more transparent and competitive
Climactically Ukraine is within the middle range of solar radiation intensity which means that there is a reasonable opportunity for households to use solar panels
Statistics show that Ukraine is among Georgia’s leading trade partners. At the beginning of the 2010 trade turnover between the two countries was around USD 127 million
The early signs post-election are that this year will see the situation revive, with GDP, domestic consumption and investments in the country all set to increase
Having analyzed the dynamics of macroeconomic and monetary indicators in January – May 2010, forecasted indicators of economic and social development of
Ukraine and the monetary market
Amid all the doom and gloom, one sector in the country’s economy has a bright future and promises high yields. Ukraine is already among the top five grain exporters in the world