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National Bank of Ukraine. Balance of Payments in Ukraine, April 2010.
28 May 2010
In April current account surplus reached USD 234 million. It was caused by positive dynamics in the world commodity markets, including ferrous metals. Month-on-month export of goods increased by 10.7%, while import stayed at the same level.

Cumulative current account deficit (for the last 12 month) continued to decline. In April it reached USD 0.8 billion, its minimal value since 2006.

Exports of goods in April composed USD 4.3 billion and increased by 7.4% compared to the previous month. Seasonally adjusted export of goods increased by 3.3%. Year-on-year growth made up 37% due to high prices for commodity goods.

The increase in export values was contributed by export of ferrous metals (increased by 20.9% on month-on-month terms) and oil products (by 51.6%). The export values of other commodity groups stayed at the level of March 2010.

In January-April 2010 merchandise exports made up USD 14.7 billion or 27.2% higher than at the same period of the previous year.

Merchandise imports decreased in April by 0.9% in month-on-month terms to USD 4.7 billion. Seasonally adjusted import fell by 1.6%. Year-on-year growth made up 30.9%.

The decrease of import was caused by reduction of equipment and mashinery import by 9.1% after rapid increase in the previous month.

The import values of minetral products stayed at the same level. The import of chemicals and metallurgical products increased by 5% and 11% accordingly.

In January-March merchandise imports made up USD 16.5 billion or increased by 27.4% compared to the same period of 2009.

The surplus of trade of services increased almost twice to USD 452 million (USD 208 million in April) due to seasonally increase in item “travel”. On year-on-year basis export of services grew by 24.6% due to increase in receipts from pipeline transport services. The widening of the negative balance of incomes to the amount of USD 137 million was caused by drop in item “labour income”. Also the repayments in April increased to USD 518 million due to dividends’ payments.

The positive balance of transfers stayed almost unchanged at the level of USD 293 million.

Financial account was formed with substantial surplus in the amount of USD 1.1 billion (USD 1.3 billion in March). The cumulative financial account deficit reduced to USD 6.0 billion compared to USD 7.9 billion in March.

The positive balance was caused by:
- net inflows on debt and bond operations amounted to USD 1.1 billion mostly thanks to the issuing of eurobonds by private sector of economy (USD 843 million) and purchases of Tbills by non-residents (USD 275 million);
- decrease of amount of foreign cash holdings in other sectors of economy reached USD 396 million as the result of positive moods on the currency market.

Net foreign direct investments in April were at the low level and made up USD 260 million due to negligible inflows into the banking sector of economy.

The balance of payments surplus in April increased the reserve assets of the National Bank of Ukraine to USD 26.4 billion, that covers 4.8 months of future imports.

Source: National Bank of Ukraine

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